Address location and identification is a very big problem as many places can not be identified or located. Due to this issues many businesses remain unidentifiable, while maintain diffculity for customers to locate them.
With MailZip Code services, businesses, users, and the government can solve and create smart systems.
Easy Payment
Digital Labeling & Location
MailZip Delivery
MailZip provides logistics services to businesses and individuals. Businesses are able to make bulk delivery requests at a reduced cost.MailZip is building a smart delivery system with its technology (MailZip Code), to provide accurate and on-demand delivery operation. MailZip logistics starts where all other logistcis companies stop, as we pass the limitation of location problems faced by other services.
MailZip Store
MailZip provides a SaaS for vendors to create, advertise, and manage their products. The service extends to providing invoice loans to vendors and small businesses through the store.
Giving buyers the best experience and price with quality products.